Every driver has a duty to act safely behind the wheel and not endanger other drivers or pedestrians. Unfortunately, negligent drivers often ignore this responsibility, resulting in a large number of car crashes across the United States every day.
While we cannot change the actions of dangerous drivers, we can take measures to protect ourselves by recognizing the common signs of a bad driver. When you see indicators of poor driving habits, it’s important to distance yourself from the other vehicle.
Common Warning Signs of Dangerous Drivers:
- Speeding: Civil engineers and transportation safety agencies work to determine the appropriate speed limits for every road, based on the street’s design, weather conditions in the area, traffic patterns and accident history. Exceeding the posted speed limit is never a safe idea. When you notice speeding or tailgating, you should try to move to a slower lane and let them pass you. Additionally, you may want to find a safe location to stop, like a parking lot, and call the police to report the driver before they hurt someone else.
- Damaged Vehicle: Negligent drivers often do not make repairs to their vehicle following a car accident. This is because they cannot pursue compensation from the other party when they are at fault. Therefore, the cost of repair falls mainly on the negligent driver.
- Crowded Car: Drivers with too many passengers in the vehicle are often distracted by the conversations and actions of the other passengers. This causes the driver to lose focus on the road and drive erratically, endangering those around them.
- Cell Phone Usage: Distracted drivers are the leading cause of catastrophic injury and wrongful death in the United States, and cell phone usage is the number one distraction.
Despite how safe and defensive a driver is, they can still be blindsided by a reckless driver resulting in a car accident, damages and injuries. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident due to a reckless and dangerous motorist, contact the attorneys at Saladino & Schaaf. Our experienced lawyers can help you create your claim, deal with the insurance companies, and get the compensation you deserve. For a free consultation, contact us online or at 270-444-0406 (Paducah Office) or 270-753-1529 (Murray Office). You may be entitled to significant compensation, but the clock is ticking.