Workers’ compensation is an important set of statutes that provides protection for individuals who have been injured during the course of employment. Workers’ compensation mandates that employers provide monetary and medical benefits to individuals who have been injured while on the job. Depending on the circumstances and severity of an injury, employers may be required to pay for benefits like lost wages, medical treatment, temporary or permanent disability benefits, and vocational rehabilitation to help injured employees get back to work. Workers’ compensation laws vary greatly from state to state and from job to job. If you have questions about the specific workers’ compensation benefits that you may be entitled to, you should consult an experienced personal injury attorney.
What types of jobs are covered by workers’ compensation laws?
There are different types of employment (employee versus independent contractor) and countless job types and sectors. Workers in many diverse fields and industries may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits after suffering an on-the-job injury. Workers’ compensation laws cover full-time, part-time, temporary and seasonal employees, as well as those just beginning a new job. New hires in probationary employment periods and people working for very small companies with only a single employee may also be entitled to receive benefits under the law. If you have been injured on the job, do not hesitate to contact an attorney to discuss your eligibility to receive benefits.
What are the obligations of the employer and employee under workers’ compensation laws?
Both employers and employees have different rights and obligations pursuant to workers’ compensation statutes. For example, almost every employer is required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Failure to do so may result in hefty fines. Employers who have received notice of an on-the-job injury are required to begin administering benefits within a reasonable amount of time. Employees have certain obligations as well, including the duty to notify their employer of an on-the-job injury as soon as possible. Employees may be limited to seek care from certain medical providers for job-related injuries depending on whether or not their employer has established a “managed-care” plan in the event of workers’ compensation injuries and claims.
Employers and employees are also obligated to adhere to certain on-the-job safety standards. When an employer fails to provide a safe working environment and an employee is injured as a result, he or she may be entitled to additional workers’ compensation benefits. Conversely, when an employee is reckless on-the-job and violates the safety standards of his or her place of work, he or she may be entitled to less workers’ compensation coverage in the event of an injury.
Although workers’ compensation laws may seem straightforward, their application is dependent upon many complex variables and circumstances of both your employment and your on-the-job injury. If you’ve been injured in the course of your employment, contact a workers’ compensation attorney at Saladino & Schaaf, PLLC to discuss your case. Do not miss your opportunity to collect the benefits you deserve.