Heavy rain can reduce visibility and make roadways slippery, leading to traffic delays and an increase in traffic accidents. Following a few safe driving tips can help you drive safely and prevent accidents caused by rainy conditions.
Drive Safely in the Rain
Slow Down. When driving in weather that causes the roads to be slick and limits visibility, it’s important to slow down and take your time. Driving 10 to 15 MPH under the speed limit can significantly reduce your chance of an accident. Additionally, driving slower will allow you more reaction time, reduces the risk of hydroplaning, and gives you more time to stop when approaching traffic signals, stop signs, curves, or intersections.
Use Your Lights. When driving in the rain, in both daylight and nighttime situations, drive safely by keeping your lights on. Reduced visibility increases the risk for accidents and using your lights will help others see your vehicle from a greater distance.
Allow Extra Space. Allowing additional space between you and the car in front of you will help avoid a rear-end or hydroplaning accident should the car in front of you stop suddenly. It is recommended that you keep four to five car-lengths of space between you and the car in front of you.
Don’t Drink and Drive. Whether rain or shine, you should avoid using alcoholic substances or other substances that impair your reaction time.
Avoid Distractions. Distractions cause accidents even in clear weather. Avoiding distractions in inclement weather is even more important. You should avoid any distractions that take your eyes off the road, such as cell phones, changing the radio, or applying makeup.
In Summary, When Driving in the Rain:
- Drive 10-15 MPH under the speed limit
- Turn your lights on
- Allow extra space between you and other vehicles
- Don’t drink and drive
- Avoid distractions
Following these steps do not guarantee that you will not be involved in an accident, but they do greatly reduce your risk. If you have been injured in an accident, regardless of the weather conditions, you should contact an experienced attorney to help you receive compensation for your injuries and any financial losses.
Contact an Experienced Attorney
The lawyers at Saladino & Schaaf have decades of experience helping accident victims receive the compensation they deserve for car and truck accidents. Contact us for a free consultation or call us at 270-444-0406 to find out if you are entitled to compensation