Thousands of Americans make the mistake of drinking and driving every year. Often a drunk driver believes they are skilled enough at driving or that their judgment is not impaired by alcohol.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) argues that intoxication affects everyone’s driving abilities in dangerous and predictable ways. According to NHTSA, consuming alcohol impairs your:
- Vision: After just one drink, visual acuity is lessened. Small print and distant objects begin to appear blurry, and your ability to judge distance diminishes. With higher blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels, vision may begin to double.
- Judgment: Most people admit to losing their sense of judgment and inhibitions when drinking. While this is part of the allure of drinking and can be fun in the right setting, it is disastrous when operating a vehicle or machinery. Drunk drivers cannot accurately judge distances, signals, and speed, making them dangerous to other motorists.
- Reaction Time: As alcohol impairment sets in, drunk drivers lose higher cognitive functions, and processes and reactions are slowed. Being a good driver requires being alert and ready to react to emergencies in a fraction of a second. Drunk drivers cannot react quickly enough to these unexpected situations.
- Color Distinction: Intoxication limits many people’s ability to distinguish different colors. This temporary color blindness can be dangerous at traffic lights and can turn every intersection into a hazardous situation for drunk drivers and other motorists.
Did a Drunk Driver Hit You?
If a drunk driver hits you or someone you love, you are not guaranteed compensation from the drunk driver nor their insurance company. Therefore, you will still need to file a claim and fight for the damages you deserve.
At Saladino & Schaaf, our personal injury attorneys have over 75 years of combined experience representing Kentuckians involved in drunk driving accidents. Contact one of our attorneys today to discuss your case at 270-444-0406 (Paducah) / 270-753-1529 (Murray) or contact us online for a free case evaluation.