At Saladino & Schaaf, PLLC, every case matters. While we’re proud of our record of successful outcomes in significant cases, we’re equally committed to providing dedicated representation for clients with smaller matters. Every client receives our full attention and advocacy, regardless of the size of their case. Schedule my free case evaluation.
The verdicts and settlements listed below do not provide and should not create any expectation on the reader’s behalf concerning future results which might be obtained. Past performance is not an indication of future success. Every case is different, and each case must be evaluated on its own merit.
Recent Verdicts and Personal Injury Settlement Results
$28,550,000 Nursing Home Negligence
Client suffered severe injuries due to a pattern of abuse and neglect at a local nursing home. Gary Schaaf served as co-counsel at trial with Carl Wilander and Ross Mann. This verdict has been reported by Kentucky Trial Court Review as the largest injury verdict in McCracken County history. Defendants have appealed the verdict and filed bankruptcy, which has stayed the proceedings.
$3,750,000 Semi Wreck
Client suffered a traumatic brain injury when struck by a commercial vehicle that failed to yield the right of way.
$3,000,000 Hospital Negligence
Client suffered fatal injuries due to medication errors.
$2,000,000 Car Wreck Caused by Drunk Driver
Client was severely injured when struck by a drunk driver.
$2,000,000 for Semi Wreck
Client fatally injured following a disputed liability collision with a commercial vehicle that failed to yield the right of way.
$1,995,000 Motorcycle Wreck
Client suffered multiple injuries with full disability after his motorcycle was struck by a box truck.
$1,875,000 Car Wreck
Client suffered bilateral lower extremity injuries requiring multiple surgeries after another driver ran a stop sign.
$1,500,000 Medical Malpractice / Hospital Neglect
Client underwent multiple surgeries because of a medication error.
$1,250,000 Motorcycle Wreck
Client suffered life altering leg injuries when his motorcycle was struck by an inattentive driver.
$1,250,000 Car Wreck
Client severely injured in a disputed right of way crash.
$1,100,000 (Policy Limits) for Semi Wreck
Client suffered leg fractures, kidney injury, a hip fracture and multiple contusions as a result of a semi driver’s inattention crossing the centerline.
$1,000,000 for Semi Wreck
Client was killed by a semi driver who failed to yield the right of way at a stoplight.
$1,000,000 Nursing Home Neglect
Client suffered bed sores and resulting infection due to nursing home neglect.
$ Confidential for Semi Wreck
Client suffered back and neck injuries requiring multiple surgeries. Our client was injured when a vehicle pulled out in front of him while he was driving a semi.
$ Confidential for Nursing Home Negligence / Wrongful Death
Nursing home resident fell from chair striking her head, suffering a brain bleed which led to her death.
$ Confidential for Nursing Home Negligence / Wrongful Death
Nursing home resident suffered bed sores, pneumonia, and urinary tract infections leading to his death.
$ Confidential for Nursing Home Negligence / Wrongful Death
Nursing home resident suffered multiple falls resulting in fractures, pressure ulcers, urinary tract infections, upper respiratory infections, contractures and malnutrition, which led to her death.
$ Confidential for Semi-Wreck
Our client was driving his vehicle when a semi tractor-trailer pulled out in front of him resulting in a collision and a severe upper extremity injury.
$ Confidential for Car Wreck
Client suffered foot, neck, and back injuries. Our client was driving her vehicle when another vehicle turned in front of her resulting in a collision.
$ Confidential for Nursing Home Negligence / Wrongful Death
Nursing home resident suffered dehydration, bed sores and a urinary tract infection resulting in sepsis and death.
$ Confidential for Jones Act (River) Injury
Client suffered disc herniation requiring surgical intervention. Our client was injured while working on a barge when equipment failed.
$ Confidential for Nursing Home Negligence / Wrongful Death
Nursing home resident developed bed sores that worsened, became infected, ultimately leading to his death.
$ Confidential for Medical Negligence
Client underwent a right shoulder replacement. Medical providers failed to perform post-surgical neurovascular checks, leaving our client with compartment syndrome.
$ Confidential for Nursing Home Negligence / Wrongful Death
Client suffered fractured hip, dehydration, UTIs and bed sores.
$ Confidential for Semi Wreck
Client suffered multiple blunt force trauma resulting in death.
$ Confidential for Nursing Home Negligence / Wrongful Death
Nursing home resident suffered a urinary tract infection which ultimately led to her death.
$ Confidential for Jones Act (River) Injury
Client suffered left wrist injury requiring open reduction, internal fixation.
$ Confidential for Nursing Home Negligence
Client suffered multiple falls while a resident of nursing home, resulting in a compression fracture requiring surgical intervention.
$ Confidential for Nursing Home Negligence / Wrongful Death
Nursing home resident suffered hematomas, decubitus ulcers and multiple contusions following a fall at the nursing home.
$ Confidential for Nursing Home Negligence / Wrongful Death
Client released from the nursing home with Clostridium Difficile (C-Diff). She underwent emergency surgery to remove a portion of her intestines.
$ Confidential for Semi Wreck
Client suffered brain injury, resulting in death. Our client was operating her vehicle when a Semi pulled out in front of her.
$ Confidential for Nursing Home Negligence / Wrongful Death
Nursing home resident suffered multiple falls and suffered a left hip fracture. She passed away before being discharged from the hospital.
$ Confidential for Nursing Home Negligence / Wrongful Death
Nursing home resident suffered traumatic C4-5 subluxation with spinal cord injury. He was later found unresponsive and passed away due to his injuries.
$984,000 for Car Wreck
Client was struck head-on by a commercial vehicle and suffered multiple fractures of both legs and other injuries.
$950,000 for Semi Wreck
Client was on the job when struck by a semi and seriously injured.
$925,000 for Semi Wreck
Client was severely injured due to another driver’s inattention and failure to yield the right of way.
$800,000 Semi Wreck
Client suffered lower leg injuries when an oncoming driver crossed the centerline. Liability was disputed due to the condition of the road. Charles Saladino and Gary Schaaf tried the case in rural Ballard County, Kentucky. The jury returned a verdict for the Plaintiff, which was fully satisfied. According to the Kentucky Trial Court Review, this remains the largest motor vehicle wreck verdict in Ballard County as of 2025.
$800,000 for Car Wreck
Client suffered arm and leg injuries requiring multiple surgeries after being struck by an impaired driver.
$725,000 for Medical Negligence
Elderly client suffered a misdiagnosed brain bleed.
$716,000 for Medical Negligence
Client suffered esophageal perforation during an endoscopy. Hospital settled prior to trial. Physician offered zero and case was tried by Gary Schaaf. Jury returned a verdict in favor of Plaintiff finding both the hospital and doctor liable for Plaintiff’s injuries. The judgment was satisfied.
$700,000 for Semi Wreck
Client underwent back surgery due to another driver’s failure to yield the right of way.
$700,000 for Car Wreck
Client underwent surgeries after being rear-ended by another driver.
$550,000 for Car Wreck
Client was injured and underwent surgeries when another driver failed to yield at a stop sign.
$500,000 for Motorcycle Wreck
Client underwent multiple surgeries for injuries suffered in a motorcycle wreck caused by inattentive driver.
$510,000 for Motorcycle Wreck
Clients suffered arm and leg injuries requiring multiple surgeries after being struck by an impaired driver.
$450,000 for Car Wreck
Client suffered neck and back injuries requiring multiple surgeries. Client was a passenger in a vehicle and injured in a collision caused by the defendant not properly securing a ladder in his/their company vehicle for transport while traveling on the highway.
$440,000 for Work Comp (Injury on the job)
Client was a pedestrian and on-the-job when struck while changing a tire for a motorist. Client sustained a large hematoma with seroma (requiring surgery) a closed superior fracture of the pelvis and complex regional pain syndrome of the lower extremity.
$390,000 for Workers’ Compensation / Third Party Claim
Client suffered foot fractures requiring surgical repair.
$375,000 for Car Wreck
Client suffered compound fractures of her arm requiring surgery after another driver ran a red light.
$360,000 for Car Wreck
Client suffered fractured pelvis and crushed foot. Our client was a passenger in a vehicle when another vehicle crossed the center line resulting in a head on collision.
$300,000 for Car Wreck
Client was the driver of a semi-truck when a vehicle crossed the center line. Client suffered an ankle fracture and underwent an open reduction with internal fixation.
$300,000 (Policy Limits) for Car Wreck
Client suffered fractures to the ribs, pelvis, hip, foot, and ankle. Our client was driving his vehicle when another vehicle failed to yield resulting in a collision in which our client suffered multiple fractures.
$300,000 Premises Liability for Shooting
Client injured when a neighbor negligently discharged a firearm.
$288,000 for Work Comp (Injury on the job)
Client fell 30 feet from a bucket truck. Client suffered multiple injuries, including a humerus fracture, ulna shaft fracture, L1-L3 transverse process fractures, L2-3 disc extrusions, rib fractures, a pulmonary contusion, pneumothorax, liver contusion, bilateral adrenal hematomas, liver laceration, nasal fracture, and calcaneus fracture.
$285,000 for Workers’ Compensation
Client suffered ruptured disc and hip pain. Our client was an employee unloading cases when he slipped and fell off of a step/platform landing on his right side injuring his back and hip.
$255,000 Semi Wreck
Client suffered multiple injuries while a passenger of a vehicle that was involved in a crash on the highway with a semi.
$250,000 for Car Wreck
Client was a front seated passenger in a head-on collision. The client suffered a left transverse process fracture, an L1-L2 transverse process fracture, an L5-vertebral body fracture, and ankle fracture.
$250,000 for Car Wreck
Client was a passenger in a vehicle that ran off the road. Client suffered multiple fractures of arm and fractured pelvis.
$250,000 for School Bus Wreck
Client suffered a comminuted displaced transverse fracture through the proximal shaft of the right femur.
$240,000 for Semi Wreck
Client suffered multiple injuries in a disputed crash on the highway with a semi.
$225,000 for Dog Bite
Client suffered multiple facial lacerations requiring surgical repair after being bitten by a relative’s dog.
$225,000 for Car Wreck
A vehicle turned in front of our client’s vehicle. The client underwent a cervical discectomy and fusion at C6-7.
$222,000 for Car Wreck
A vehicle side-swiped our client’s vehicle, running him off the roadway and into a fence. The client underwent an anterior cervical discectomy with fusion at C3-C5.
$220,000 for Car Wreck
Client was a driver of a vehicle involved in a rear-ended collision. The client sustained a right distal radial fracture (requiring surgery), a right hip hematoma (requiring surgery), and a sacral fracture.
$200,000 for Boat Crash
Client was involved in a boating accident on Kentucky Lake and sustained a traumatic compression fracture (requiring surgery).