A tractor trailer accident can be one of the most severe car accidents on the road. These accidents often lead to serious injuries or death. Several factors can contribute to truck accidents. This blog post will discuss the top five causes of these often deadly accidents.
1) Driver Error & Negligence
One of the most common causes of tractor-trailer accidents is driver error. This can include things like speeding, distracted driving, or driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Truck drivers are often under pressure to meet deadlines and may take risks that they wouldn’t usually take if they weren’t under such pressure. This can lead to serious accidents.
2) Mechanical & Maintenance Problems
Another common cause of commercial trucking accidents is mechanical problems with the truck itself. This can include faulty brakes, bald tires, or improperly loaded cargo. If a truck isn’t properly maintained, it can be a danger to everyone on the road.
3) Weather Conditions
Weather conditions can also contribute to tractor-trailer accidents. If a truck driver is trying to drive in heavy rain or snow, they may have difficulty seeing the road ahead. Additionally, stopping a truck on icy or wet roads can be very difficult. In general, trucks need about 40% more time to stop than cars. When going 60 mph on a clear day, a fully loaded tractor-trailer needs approximately 370 feet to come to a complete stop.
4) Roadway Hazards
Sometimes, the roads themselves can contribute to tractor-trailer accidents. This is often the case with roads in disrepair. If a truck driver hits a pothole or other obstacle in the street, it can cause them to lose control of the truck.
5) Truck Driver Fatigue
Another common cause of tractor-trailer accidents is truck driver fatigue. Truck drivers often have to drive for long hours, which can lead to them becoming tired. When truck drivers are exhausted, they are more likely to make mistakes or take risks that they wouldn’t normally take.
Tractor-trailer accidents are unfortunately common on our roads today. By understanding the most common causes of these accidents, we can all take steps to try to avoid them. If you are a truck driver, make sure you follow all safety regulations and take care not to put yourself and others at risk. And if you are driving near a large truck on the road, be sure to give them plenty of space and be aware of their blind spots. By taking these precautions, we can help make our streets safer for everyone.
Injured in a Tractor Trailer Accident?
At Saladino & Schaaf, we have years of experience representing Kentuckians in truck accident lawsuits. If you’ve been injured through no fault of your own, contact us online or at 270-444-0406 (Paducah) or 270-753-1529 (Murray) to schedule a free consultation today. You may be entitled to significant compensation, but the clock is ticking.