Unfortunately, car accidents are part of life on the roadway. Regardless of how safe you are, there is always the potential another driver is inattentive or distracted. Furthermore, not all car owners keep their vehicles in top shape, so it’s possible for a mechanical failure to cause an accident.
Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to survive a car accident. While some of these may seem like common sense, you might never have considered some of the other suggestions.
Wear Your Seatbelt!
This may seem to be the most common sense thing to do in a car. Everyone wears their seatbelts, right? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over half of all car accident deaths in 2016 involved people who didn’t buckle up.
So, before you start the car, put your seatbelt on and make sure every passenger in your vehicle puts theirs on as well.
Sit Up Straight
The same rule your mom taught you about sitting at the dinner table also applies to sitting in a car. Sit up straight and make sure the seatbelt is positioned correctly across your body. If you lay the chair back too far and an accident occurs, your body could slide forward under the restraining portions of the belt.
When an accident occurs, your body will move in the same direction your car was traveling, even if it comes to an immediate stop. That’s why it’s crucial you have the belt across your chest and lap.
Keep Up The Maintenance On Your Car
Cars are mechanical items, and all mechanical things need to be serviced and repaired. This is why your car manufacturer has a recommended maintenance schedule in the owner’s manual. Follow that schedule, but also get any problems checked out as you discover them.
If a warning light comes on, take your car to a mechanic and have it checked out. Do the same thing if you start hearing strange noises or see fluids on the ground underneath your car.
After all, the best way to survive a car accident is to prevent one from occurring.
Don’t Allow Yourself To Be Distracted
Distracted driving has become a real problem in the United States, primarily because of cell phone texting. Taking your eyes off the road, even for a few seconds can lead to a catastrophic accident.
However, the problem isn’t only with cell phones. Doing other activities, such as eating, grooming yourself, adjusting the radio or anything else is dangerous. When you get in a car, make it a point to tell yourself you are there to drive, you can handle other tasks when you arrive at your destination.
If you think this isn’t a problem, the Centers for Disease Control report almost 9 people die every day in the United States as a result of distracted driving.
Drive The Speed Limit
Using sophisticated equipment and studies, traffic engineers have devised the safest speed for you to drive on the roadway. Furthermore, car manufacturers designed your car to respond in specific ways to an accident. Driving too fast on a roadway places you in a vulnerable position because you may not be able to control the car for the given driving conditions, and the speed of an accident may be too much for your vehicle’s structure.
Don’t Have A Lot Of Loose Items Inside Your Car
When a car hits another car, suddenly turns, or rolls over, any unsecured items will fly around inside the vehicle. These objects can cause injuries and damage. Don’t let your car become cluttered with unnecessary items, take them out when you aren’t using them.
If You’ve Been Involved in a Car Accident, You Need an Experienced Attorney To Protect Your Rights
The lawyers at Saladino & Schaaf have over 85 years of combined experience representing Kentuckians in car accident cases. If you have been injured in a car accident and believe the other person is at fault, we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and damages to your car. However, you must act quickly. There are time limits on legal actions.