Rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft have become extremely popular throughout the world, and allow passengers to get from one destination to another without worrying about driving or parking. As ridesharing services expand to more cities, the likelihood of an accident increases. It is possible that you may find yourself a victim in a ridesharing accident, so it’s important to know what to do in this situation.
What Should You Do After a Rideshare Accident
It is important that the driver stops at the scene of the accident. Some rideshare drivers would prefer not to stop, as an accident may impact their ability to continue driving with the ridesharing companies. In addition to stopping at the scene, it is important to document the accident with a police report. Kentucky Law requires that you file a report with the State Police if the accident results in injury, death or property damage over $500.
After the accident, you should exit the vehicle and stand in a safe place on the side of the road to wait for the police. Write down any important information you remember about the accident, and document the driver’s information (name, car make, model, and license plate). You may also wish to snap a photo to capture this information. When the police arrive to take the police report, include your witness statement.
You should seek medical attention for any potential injuries. Adrenaline is known to decrease pain receptors, so you may be more hurt than you initially realize. After getting checked out, you should contact the rideshare company to report the accident. They will have records regarding your trip, so they can start handling the situation internally.
Who is Responsible for My Medical Expenses?
As in any accident, damages are usually the responsibility of the at-fault driver(s). The insurance company will review all of the documentation and evidence to determine fault, such as the police report, witness statements, review of damages, photos, and more. It is possible that more than one party could be at fault for the accident.
Uber drivers are covered by Uber Liability Insurance when they are actively accepting and providing rides. This will be the primary insurance for any claims resulting from a crash involving Uber. The driver’s personal insurance may also be reviewed, if necessary.
Ridesharing Lawyers
Personal injury claims against any major company can be difficult to resolve, especially ridesharing claims which involve both a corporation and their independent contractor. You may need help from an experienced personal injury attorney to receive the compensation you deserve.
At Saladino & Schaaf, we have years of experience helping accident victims with personal injury claims. Contact us for a free personal injury case evaluation or give us a call at 270-444-0406 or 270-753-1529.