Car accidents are expensive for both parties involved–both in terms of replacing items lost and in terms of taking care of injuries or lost time at work due to your accident. If you were injured in a car accident, those expenses can add up quickly–and you may find yourself wondering just who is responsible for paying.
You may have suffered serious injuries. If you weren’t responsible for the accident, why are you the one who has to pay? Understanding personal injury protection insurance and how it impacts your payment responsibilities can help you better navigate the legal system and understand the responsibilities of the other party’s insurance carrier after your accident.
What is Personal Injury Protection Insurance?
Several states require drivers to carry personal injury protection insurance along with their car insurance. Each individual must carry a minimum of $10,000 of coverage. Personal injury protection insurance covers the immediate expenses associated with injuries after a car accident, from ambulance transport to paying for medical care following your injuries. Personal injury protection insurance may also offer coverage for missed time at work, allowing you to make up some of the lost wages due to injuries and accidents.
Personal injury protection offers useful coverage regardless of who is responsible for the accident. When you are personally responsible for the accident, you won’t have to worry about not being able to afford basic medical care for your injuries. If the other party is responsible for your accident, personal injury protection insurance means that you don’t have to sit around waiting for the other party’s insurance company to pay your initial medical bills.
When is the Other Driver Responsible for Paying?
If you carry personal injury protection insurance, your insurance will likely pay for your initial medical treatment and offer compensation for missed time at work up to the first $10,000 of damages–or up to the maximum amount covered by your policy. That doesn’t mean, however, that the other driver’s insurance company will never bear responsibility for paying. Consider these circumstances:
The cost of your injuries exceeds $10,000. If the cost of your injuries rises above the maximum amount of your PIP coverage, the other party’s insurance company may bear responsibility for paying for your injuries. Potential costs may include the emergency room visit, ongoing medical care, and missed time at work.
There are damages to your vehicle. If the other driver is responsible for the accident, they bear responsibility for damages to your vehicle. Vehicle damages are not covered by PIP insurance, but rather by the responsible party’s insurance company.
Did You Suffer Serious Injuries in a Car Accident?
The lawyers at Saladino & Schaaf have over 85 years of combined experience representing Kentuckians in car accident cases. If you have been injured in a car accident and believe the other person is at fault, we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and damages to your car. However, you must act quickly. There are time limits on legal actions.
Call (270) 444-0406 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation today.