The most common cause of motorcycle accidents is that other drivers do not see motorcyclists. This conspicuity problem has led to many accidents and deaths on Kentucky and Illinois roadways.
Recently, a Mayfield man was killed in a motorcycle crash when a truck moved into his lane. The 53-year-old motorcyclist was traveling along U.S. 45 when a pickup truck collided with his motorcycle. The victim had the right of way, but was not wearing a helmet and was pronounced dead at the scene.
This accident is one of many underscoring the dangers that motorcyclists face each day on highways in the state of Kentucky. While there are many ways motorcyclists may improve their odds of avoiding or surviving an accident, they are still smaller vehicles that are difficult for some larger vehicles to see.
Studies have shown that the majority of motorcycle accidents happen on the weekends. Additionally, many of the accidents happen at intersections. In larger cities, motorcycles are most often hit as a driver of another vehicle changes lanes on the roadway.
10 Safety Tips to Help Avoid a Motorcycle Accident
- Be Aware of Your Surroundings
One of the most common reasons for a motorcycle wreck is that drivers aren’t paying attention. Remember that other vehicles may not see you, so it is important to be hyper-aware of vehicles approaching intersections, turning, or changing lanes. - Wear an Approved Helmet
Regardless of laws in your state or how far you are riding, you should always wear a helmet. Helmets have been proven to reduce the risks of traumatic brain injury and death. - Don’t Drink and Drive
According to the National Highways Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), half of all motorcycle accidents are the result of drinking and driving. - Follow Speed Limits
Traffic engineers and elected officials determine reasonable speed limits based on the history of crashes, speed, volume of traffic, pedestrian usage, and bicycles. These limits are in place to keep you safe, so it’s important to follow them. - Avoid Common Mistakes
The best way to avoid common mistakes is to be aware of them. It’s important to understand the most common mistakes motorcyclists make, such as vehicles turning left, hitting gravel on a corner, entering a turn at high speed, vehicles changing lanes, getting rear-ended, or running into an opening car door. - Maintain Your Motorcycle
Keep your motorcycle in top shape and make sure to cross-check your vehicle for any issues before beginning each ride. - Improve Your Riding Skills
Find a Motorcycle Safety Foundation riding course in your area to keep your riding skills sharp. - Wear Proper Riding Gear
Wearing the appropriate motorcycle riding gear (including a helmet) offers the best protection against injuries in a crash. Furthermore, wearing inappropriate riding gear (baggy clothing, sandals, etc.) can cause a crash. - Avoid Riding in Bad Weather
Wet, slick roads can be problematic for maintaining full control of your motorcycle. Additionally, rain or snow can affect visibility. If you must ride in inclement weather, take turns slowly and be sensitive with controls.
Contact a Motorcycle Accident Attorney
If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident that was the fault of another motorist, contact a personal injury attorney at Saladino & Schaaf to discuss your case or call 270-444-0406 (Paducah Office) or 270-753-1529 (Murray Office) for a free consultation today. You may be entitled to significant compensation, but the clock is ticking.